About Tezos Notifier Telegram Bot
TezosNotifierBot — https://t.me/TezosNotifierBot — first Telegram Bot for Tezos Blockchain!
With Tezos Notifier Bot you can simply monitor various events in Tezos blockchain, like transactions, delegations, missing block endorsing, double baking, etc.
The bot provides a huge number of functions: not only transaction notifications, but also delegation, skipping passes, calculation of performance, voting and many, many more functions!
Full description: https://tzsnt.fr/about
To start the Bot simply open @TezosNotifierBot in your Telegram app, click “New address” and send to the bot an address for monitoring and its name (like tz1XuPMB8X28jSoy7cEsXok5UVR5mfhvZLNf Arthur): it can be your TZ or KT address (to monitor transactions and balance), delegates address (to monitor baking and problems in work) or the address of the exchange.
Then you can manage addresses and settings in “My addresses”, perform the global settings of the bot itself in the “Settings” and and also contact with us using “Feedback” button.
List of current bot features:
- Welcome message with general information about the bot;
- Adding an address with a name to monitoring;
- Searching addresses in public address registry;
- Tagging messages to simplify the search;
- Displaying a list of addresses with detailed information about each address. Information about the delegate: balances, free space for delegation, the number of delegators, performance, current settings. Information about the delegator: balance, delegate, current settings, etc.;
- Manage addresses in the list with the ability to delete address; set the transaction amount threshold for notifications; enable / disable transaction notifications; enable / disable delegate’s rewards notifications; enable / disable cycle completion notifications; automatically add a delegate to monitoring at the delegator’s address;
- General settings management: localization setting; enable / disable message tagging; whale alerts; voting notifications; network issues notifications;
- Notifications about incoming / outgoing transactions to addresses in monitoring with indication of amounts, links to the explorer, current balance. Transactions in one block are grouped into one message;
- Notifications about a new delegation and delegator departure information;
- Notifications about completion of the cycle with indicating the coins earned and the delegate’s performance for the cycle;
- Notification about available reward of the delegate indicating the current balance;
- Misses notifications: skipping block baking; skipping block endorsing; lack of reward due to lack of endorsing operations; an indication of the reason of misses, for example, lack of funds;
- Notifications about stolen blocks (baking blocks with priority >= 1);
- Voting notifications: about the new proposal, upvoting the proposal by the delegate, and also the result of the period;
- Double baking notifications: notifications on double-baking and it’s detection;
- Network issue notifications — the bot constantly monitors the status of the private and five public nodes of the tezos blockchain and publishes a notification if there are delays in creating blocks. This feature helps maintain network stability;
- Whale transactions notifications with customizable threshold and public known addresses recognition;
- … many other small features.
— Start the Bot: https://t.me/TezosNotifierBot
— Twitter: https://twitter.com/TezosNotifier
— Github: https://github.com/tnb-dev/TezosNotifierBot
— Web: https://tzsnt.fr
Support with XTZ: tz1g5jJc6MWdmmUXdp5eb1KTj8TTU5U74cry