Tezos Blockchain cycle 406 stats
This post was generated fully automatically by the TezosNotifierBot.
General cycle stats
Cycle 406 is completed in 3 days, 0 hours, 30 minutes!
Next 407 cycle will end on October 6 at 06:25 UTC.
Transaction stats
In the 406 cycle was made 750,289 transactions.
Market data
Current XTZ price:
- 8.223 USD
- 7.1 EUR
- 0.0001496 BTC
- 0.002283 ETH
Price change in the 406 cycle:
- low 5.709 USD
- high 8.249 USD
Current Market Cap is 7,327,488,041 USD
Current Supply is 891,096,685 XTZ
Whale transactions
There were 9 whale transactions with amount > 500 000 XTZ:
- transaction of 849,990 XTZ (6,989,467.77 USD) from Huobi to tz1LHo…289e
- transaction of 600,000 XTZ (4,933,800.00 USD) from Upbit to Upbit 2
- transaction of 1,200,000 XTZ (9,867,600.00 USD) from Upbit to Upbit 2
- transaction of 511,479.793 XTZ (4,205,898.34 USD) from Kraken 1 to Kraken Delegator 1
- transaction of 4,748,904.245 XTZ (39,050,239.61 USD) from KT1XZJ…xfYz to KT1Rhx…HeKe
- transaction of 1,174,788.411 XTZ (9,660,285.10 USD) from KT1Xu1…ZgFX to KT1XKM…22bZ
- transaction of 500,000 XTZ (4,111,500.00 USD) from tz1WsG…y1mA to tz2QHA…9Xc2
- transaction of 589,238.787 XTZ (4,845,310.54 USD) from Kraken 1 to Kraken Delegator 1
- transaction of 689,304.115 XTZ (5,668,147.74 USD) from Kraken Delegator 1 to Kraken 1
So more then 10,863,705.351 XTZ was transferred by whales!
Now it is proposal period in the Tezos blockchain. Proposals have been submitted:
- Hangzhou — 22533 rolls
- USDtz Hangzhou — 17634 rolls
- PtEdoTe…6v6Uq — 80 rolls
- PtGRANA…vQbvV — 47 rolls
- PtSEBSE…VTrmo — 9 rolls
Quorum of 5.0% reached.
Proposal period will end on October 6 at 06:25 UTC.
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