Tezos Blockchain cycle 441 stats
This post was generated fully automatically by the TezosNotifierBot.
General cycle stats
Cycle 441 is completed in 2 days, 22 hours, 16 minutes!
Next 442 cycle will end on January 17 at 21:03 UTC.
Transaction stats
In the 441 cycle were made 1,020,085 transactions.
Market data
Current XTZ price:
- 4.329 USD
- 3.79 EUR
- 0.0001004 BTC
- 0.001306 ETH
Price change in the 441 cycle:
- low 4.081 USD
- high 4.449 USD
Current Market Cap is 3,907,484,738 USD
Current Supply is 902,629,877 XTZ
Whale transactions
There were 7 whale transactions with amount > 500 000 XTZ:
- transaction of 500,000 XTZ (2,164,500.00 USD) from Binance Delegator 2 to Binance
- transaction of 500,000 XTZ (2,164,500.00 USD) from KT1UoZ…q7tC to tz1VTU…TbdR
- transaction of 500,000 XTZ (2,164,500.00 USD) from tz1VTU…TbdR to tz1c4G…Gdyy
- transaction of 7,513,099.382 XTZ (32,524,207.22 USD) from tz1L3j…YdtA to tz1iG3…pM1r
- transaction of 524,039.797 XTZ (2,268,568.28 USD) from tz2K28…uyZN to Gemini Hot Wallet
- transaction of 700,000 XTZ (3,030,300.00 USD) from Binance Delegator 2 to Binance
- transaction of 564,402.186 XTZ (2,443,297.06 USD) from KT1Wkn…VAgp to Coinbase Delegator aDvT
So more then 10,801,541.365 XTZ was transferred by whales!
Now it is exploration period for proposal Ithaca.
148 delegates (40.2%) with total of 82551 rolls (42.9%) voted so far:
- Yay — 12333 rolls (34.8%)
- Nay — 6118 rolls (17.3%)
- Pass — 16995 rolls (47.9%)
Quorum of 53.1% not reached
Exploration period will end on January 17 at 21:03 UTC.
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