Tezos Blockchain cycle 448 stats
This post was generated fully automatically by the TezosNotifierBot.
General cycle stats
Cycle 448 is completed in 2 days, 21 hours, 56 minutes!
Next 449 cycle will end on February 7 at 08:53 UTC.
Transaction stats
In the 448 cycle were made 929,980 transactions.
Market data
Current XTZ price:
- 3.839 USD
- 3.344 EUR
- 0.000101 BTC
- 0.001349 ETH
Price change in the 448 cycle:
- low 3.543 USD
- high 3.969 USD
Current Market Cap is 3,474,183,151 USD
Current Supply is 904,970,865 XTZ
Whale transactions
There were 32 whale transactions with amount > 500 000 XTZ:
- transaction of 580,019.57 XTZ (2,226,695.13 USD) from KT1Mfg…Zzw5 to KT1Jdu…BkJ2
- transaction of 580,019.57 XTZ (2,226,695.13 USD) from KT1Jdu…BkJ2 to KT1LXV…fMKz
- transaction of 580,019.57 XTZ (2,226,695.13 USD) from KT1LXV…fMKz to KT1Jdu…BkJ2
- transaction of 580,019.57 XTZ (2,226,695.13 USD) from KT1Jdu…BkJ2 to KT1Mfg…Zzw5
- transaction of 1,466,588.77 XTZ (5,630,234.29 USD) from Binance to tz1b4w…YHRT
- transaction of 3,000,000 XTZ (11,517,000.00 USD) from Binance Delegator 2 to Binance
- transaction of 537,660.633 XTZ (2,064,079.17 USD) from KT1XU7…BKeg to KT1Jdu…BkJ2
- transaction of 537,660.633 XTZ (2,064,079.17 USD) from KT1Jdu…BkJ2 to KT1LXV…fMKz
- transaction of 537,660.633 XTZ (2,064,079.17 USD) from KT1LXV…fMKz to KT1Jdu…BkJ2
- transaction of 537,660.633 XTZ (2,064,079.17 USD) from KT1Jdu…BkJ2 to KT1XU7…BKeg
- transaction of 537,660.633 XTZ (2,064,079.17 USD) from KT1XU7…BKeg to KT1Jdu…BkJ2
- transaction of 537,660.633 XTZ (2,064,079.17 USD) from KT1Jdu…BkJ2 to KT1LXV…fMKz
- transaction of 533,660.633 XTZ (2,048,723.17 USD) from KT1LXV…fMKz to KT1Jdu…BkJ2
- transaction of 533,660.633 XTZ (2,048,723.17 USD) from KT1Jdu…BkJ2 to KT1XU7…BKeg
- transaction of 533,660.633 XTZ (2,048,723.17 USD) from KT1XU7…BKeg to KT1Jdu…BkJ2
- transaction of 533,660.633 XTZ (2,048,723.17 USD) from KT1Jdu…BkJ2 to KT1LXV…fMKz
- transaction of 533,660.633 XTZ (2,048,723.17 USD) from KT1LXV…fMKz to KT1Jdu…BkJ2
- transaction of 533,660.633 XTZ (2,048,723.17 USD) from KT1Jdu…BkJ2 to KT1XU7…BKeg
- transaction of 1,333,637.63 XTZ (5,119,834.86 USD) from Binance to tz1b4w…YHRT
- transaction of 580,019.57 XTZ (2,226,695.13 USD) from KT1Mfg…Zzw5 to KT1Jdu…BkJ2
- transaction of 580,019.57 XTZ (2,226,695.13 USD) from KT1Jdu…BkJ2 to KT1LXV…fMKz
- transaction of 580,019.57 XTZ (2,226,695.13 USD) from KT1LXV…fMKz to KT1Jdu…BkJ2
- transaction of 580,019.57 XTZ (2,226,695.13 USD) from KT1Jdu…BkJ2 to KT1Mfg…Zzw5
- transaction of 580,019.57 XTZ (2,226,695.13 USD) from KT1Mfg…Zzw5 to KT1Jdu…BkJ2
- transaction of 580,019.57 XTZ (2,226,695.13 USD) from KT1Jdu…BkJ2 to KT1LXV…fMKz
- transaction of 580,019.57 XTZ (2,226,695.13 USD) from KT1LXV…fMKz to KT1Jdu…BkJ2
- transaction of 580,019.57 XTZ (2,226,695.13 USD) from KT1Jdu…BkJ2 to KT1Mfg…Zzw5
- transaction of 1,000,000 XTZ (3,839,000.00 USD) from Upbit to Upbit 2
- transaction of 1,291,790.21 XTZ (4,959,182.62 USD) from Binance to tz1b4w…YHRT
- transaction of 811,558.985 XTZ (3,115,574.94 USD) from tz1Wie…Zwny to Coinbase Delegator aDvT
- transaction of 797,223.236 XTZ (3,060,540.00 USD) from tz1bxF…497Q to Coinbase Delegator oiTV
- transaction of 500,000 XTZ (1,919,500.00 USD) from Upbit to Upbit 2
So more then 23,588,961.274 XTZ was transferred by whales!
Now it is exploration period for proposal Ithaca 2.
83 delegates (22.2%) with total of 83215 rolls (38.1%) voted so far:
- Yay — 20893 rolls (65.9%)
- Nay — 0 rolls (0.0%)
- Pass — 10818 rolls (34.1%)
Quorum of 53.6% not reached
Exploration period will end on February 15 at 21:41 UTC.
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