Tezos Blockchain cycle 451 stats
This post was generated fully automatically by the TezosNotifierBot.
General cycle stats
Cycle 451 is completed in 2 days, 21 hours, 39 minutes!
Next 452 cycle will end on February 16 at 03:37 UTC.
Transaction stats
In the 451 cycle were made 790,215 transactions.
Market data
Current XTZ price:
- 4.032 USD
- 3.558 EUR
- 0.00009516 BTC
- 0.001381 ETH
Price change in the 451 cycle:
- low 3.991 USD
- high 4.585 USD
Current Market Cap is 3,652,888,757 USD
Current Supply is 905,974,394 XTZ
Whale transactions
There were 4 whale transactions with amount > 500 000 XTZ:
- transaction of 639,999 XTZ (2,580,475.97 USD) from tz1UBT…5sYU to tz1UCB…54ra
- transaction of 575,926.95 XTZ (2,322,137.46 USD) from KT1GS5…j2RE to Coinbase Delegator rSgD
- transaction of 575,926.95 XTZ (2,322,137.46 USD) from KT1LSK…pmNo to Coinbase Delegator rSgD
- transaction of 500,000 XTZ (2,016,000.00 USD) from Upbit to Upbit 2
So more then 2,291,852.9 XTZ was transferred by whales!
Now it is exploration period for proposal Ithaca 2.
143 delegates (38.2%) with total of 83215 rolls (46.6%) voted so far:
- Yay — 27990 rolls (72.1%)
- Nay — 0 rolls (0.0%)
- Pass — 10818 rolls (27.9%)
Quorum of 53.6% not reached
Exploration period will end on February 16 at 03:37 UTC.
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