Tezos Blockchain cycle 459 stats
This post was generated fully automatically by the TezosNotifierBot.
General cycle stats
Cycle 459 is completed in 2 days, 22 hours, 39 minutes!
Next 460 cycle will end on March 11 at 10:48 UTC.
Transaction stats
In the 459 cycle were made 662,248 transactions.
Market data
Current XTZ price:
- 2.981 USD
- 2.737 EUR
- 0.00007693 BTC
- 0.001157 ETH
Price change in the 459 cycle:
- low 2.841 USD
- high 3.178 USD
Current Market Cap is 2,708,733,406 USD
Current Supply is 908,666,020 XTZ
Whale transactions
There were 27 whale transactions with amount > 500 000 XTZ:
- transaction of 500,507.676 XTZ (1,492,013.38 USD) from KT1Mfg…Zzw5 to KT1Jdu…BkJ2
- transaction of 500,507.676 XTZ (1,492,013.38 USD) from KT1Jdu…BkJ2 to KT1LXV…fMKz
- transaction of 500,507.676 XTZ (1,492,013.38 USD) from KT1LXV…fMKz to KT1Jdu…BkJ2
- transaction of 500,507.676 XTZ (1,492,013.38 USD) from KT1Jdu…BkJ2 to KT1Mfg…Zzw5
- transaction of 500,722.867 XTZ (1,492,654.87 USD) from KT1Mfg…Zzw5 to KT1Jdu…BkJ2
- transaction of 500,722.867 XTZ (1,492,654.87 USD) from KT1Jdu…BkJ2 to KT1LXV…fMKz
- transaction of 500,722.867 XTZ (1,492,654.87 USD) from KT1LXV…fMKz to KT1Jdu…BkJ2
- transaction of 500,722.867 XTZ (1,492,654.87 USD) from KT1Jdu…BkJ2 to KT1Mfg…Zzw5
- transaction of 568,405.564 XTZ (1,694,416.99 USD) from KT1XU7…BKeg to KT1Jdu…BkJ2
- transaction of 568,405.564 XTZ (1,694,416.99 USD) from KT1Jdu…BkJ2 to KT1LXV…fMKz
- transaction of 568,405.564 XTZ (1,694,416.99 USD) from KT1LXV…fMKz to KT1Jdu…BkJ2
- transaction of 568,405.564 XTZ (1,694,416.99 USD) from KT1Jdu…BkJ2 to KT1XU7…BKeg
- transaction of 500,722.867 XTZ (1,492,654.87 USD) from KT1Mfg…Zzw5 to KT1Jdu…BkJ2
- transaction of 500,722.867 XTZ (1,492,654.87 USD) from KT1Jdu…BkJ2 to KT1LXV…fMKz
- transaction of 500,722.867 XTZ (1,492,654.87 USD) from KT1LXV…fMKz to KT1Jdu…BkJ2
- transaction of 500,722.867 XTZ (1,492,654.87 USD) from KT1Jdu…BkJ2 to KT1Mfg…Zzw5
- transaction of 500,722.867 XTZ (1,492,654.87 USD) from KT1Mfg…Zzw5 to KT1Jdu…BkJ2
- transaction of 500,722.867 XTZ (1,492,654.87 USD) from KT1Jdu…BkJ2 to KT1LXV…fMKz
- transaction of 500,722.867 XTZ (1,492,654.87 USD) from KT1LXV…fMKz to KT1Jdu…BkJ2
- transaction of 500,722.867 XTZ (1,492,654.87 USD) from KT1Jdu…BkJ2 to KT1Mfg…Zzw5
- transaction of 1,978,432.43 XTZ (5,897,707.07 USD) from tz1UxB…5X8M to tz1Xj7…Yh63
- transaction of 10,784,561.782 XTZ (32,148,778.67 USD) from tz1UxB…5X8M to tz1Xj7…Yh63
- transaction of 1,076,003 XTZ (3,207,564.94 USD) from tz1UxB…5X8M to tz1Xj7…Yh63
- transaction of 500,722.867 XTZ (1,492,654.87 USD) from KT1Mfg…Zzw5 to KT1Jdu…BkJ2
- transaction of 500,722.867 XTZ (1,492,654.87 USD) from KT1Jdu…BkJ2 to KT1LXV…fMKz
- transaction of 500,722.867 XTZ (1,492,654.87 USD) from KT1LXV…fMKz to KT1Jdu…BkJ2
- transaction of 500,722.867 XTZ (1,492,654.87 USD) from KT1Jdu…BkJ2 to KT1Mfg…Zzw5
So more then 26,126,216.044 XTZ was transferred by whales!
Now it is promotion period for proposal Ithaca 2.
95 delegates (24.5%) with total of 85028 rolls (27.3%) voted so far:
- Yay — 12416 rolls (53.5%)
- Nay — 0 rolls (0.0%)
- Pass — 10790 rolls (46.5%)
Quorum of 52.7% not reached
Promotion period will end on March 17 at 03:20 UTC.
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