Tezos Blockchain cycle 588 stats
This post was generated fully automatically by the TezosNotifierBot.
General cycle stats
Cycle 588 is completed in 2 days, 20 hours, 28 minutes!
Next 589 cycle will end on March 21 at 01:48 UTC.
Transaction stats
In the 588 cycle were made 480,948 transactions.
Market data
Current XTZ price:
- 1.252 USD
- 1.179 EUR
- 0.00004551 BTC
- 0.00069 ETH
Price change in the 588 cycle:
- low 1.118 USD
- high 1.263 USD
Current Market Cap is 1,192,306,762 USD
Current Supply is 952,321,695 XTZ
Whale transactions
There were 22 whale transactions with amount > 500 000 XTZ:
- transaction of 662,485.888 XTZ (829,432.33 USD) from KT1AEC…8mkJ to KT1Jdu…BkJ2
- transaction of 662,485.888 XTZ (829,432.33 USD) from KT1Jdu…BkJ2 to KT1UcP…ZZ1X
- transaction of 662,485.888 XTZ (829,432.33 USD) from KT1UcP…ZZ1X to KT1Jdu…BkJ2
- transaction of 662,485.888 XTZ (829,432.33 USD) from KT1Jdu…BkJ2 to KT1AEC…8mkJ
- transaction of 896,844.912 XTZ (1,122,849.83 USD) from KT1Mfg…Zzw5 to KT1Jdu…BkJ2
- transaction of 896,844.912 XTZ (1,122,849.83 USD) from KT1Jdu…BkJ2 to KT1UcP…ZZ1X
- transaction of 896,844.912 XTZ (1,122,849.83 USD) from KT1UcP…ZZ1X to KT1Jdu…BkJ2
- transaction of 896,844.912 XTZ (1,122,849.83 USD) from KT1Jdu…BkJ2 to KT1Mfg…Zzw5
- transaction of 1,180,009.998 XTZ (1,477,372.52 USD) from Foundation Delegator 9 to Foundation Delegator 3
- transaction of 526,489.42 XTZ (659,164.75 USD) from tz1hAp…fikf to tz1cjH…DKWv
- transaction of 526,489.487 XTZ (659,164.84 USD) from tz1cjH…DKWv to tz1ZtS…Uiii
- transaction of 526,489.487 XTZ (659,164.84 USD) from tz1ZtS…Uiii to tz1QdT…Eb9d
- transaction of 525,000 XTZ (657,300.00 USD) from tz1QdT…Eb9d to tz1c1a…R28K
- transaction of 544,334.672 XTZ (681,507.01 USD) from tz1c1a…R28K to tz1L2v…xCLG
- transaction of 896,844.912 XTZ (1,122,849.83 USD) from KT1Mfg…Zzw5 to KT1Jdu…BkJ2
- transaction of 896,844.912 XTZ (1,122,849.83 USD) from KT1Jdu…BkJ2 to KT1UcP…ZZ1X
- transaction of 896,844.912 XTZ (1,122,849.83 USD) from KT1UcP…ZZ1X to KT1Jdu…BkJ2
- transaction of 896,844.912 XTZ (1,122,849.83 USD) from KT1Jdu…BkJ2 to KT1Mfg…Zzw5
- transaction of 896,844.912 XTZ (1,122,849.83 USD) from KT1Mfg…Zzw5 to KT1Jdu…BkJ2
- transaction of 896,844.912 XTZ (1,122,849.83 USD) from KT1Jdu…BkJ2 to KT1UcP…ZZ1X
- transaction of 896,844.912 XTZ (1,122,849.83 USD) from KT1UcP…ZZ1X to KT1Jdu…BkJ2
- transaction of 896,844.912 XTZ (1,122,849.83 USD) from KT1Jdu…BkJ2 to KT1Mfg…Zzw5
So more then 17,240,895.557 XTZ was transferred by whales!
Now it is adoption period for proposal Mumbai.
Adoption period will end on March 29 at 14:36 UTC.
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